Nhan "Nicolas" Chou

My Life List

Posted by Nhan "Nicolas" Chou on 14:25

1) Two Books I'd like to read :
- Frankenstein because it's a mystery book.
- Harry Potter because I haven't read it before.

2) Two Movies I'd like to see :
- Hancock because it's the film of Will Smith.
- The Mummy: Tomb of Dragon Emperor because it's about China and there's Jet Li.

3) Two people I'd like to meet : (alive)
- Bill Gates because I want to know more about the way he's succeeded.
- Jay Chou because I like the way he sings and the songs.

4) Two people I'd like to meet : (dead)
- Uncle Ho because he is our great father.
- William Shakespeare because he was a great author.

5) Two instruments I'd like to learn how to play :
- Piano
- Guitar

6) Two sports I'd like to learn how to play :
- Rugby
- Baseball

7)Two girls I'd like to marry :
- Leah Dizon
- The one I love